Sunday, July 14, 2013

Today is a wonderful day!

I hope everybody is having a great weekend. My past week has been very busy. We've been watching our friend's Boxer while he is on vacation, so that has been fun. I love her to death, but Adam is a little stressed out about this little energy ball flying and bouncing and cuddling through our new house. He'll get over it, haha.

How can  you not love this little creature?

Etsy shop-wise, I'm getting very close! Going through all the legalities now and just struggling to get some inventory done! As all other Etsy sellers know, 100 listings seems to be the magic number for getting seen and making a splash on Etsy. I'm definitely going to open up shop before that, but I figure I can get as much stuff made as I can while I'm waiting on the new banners and things.

I do have to admit, though... I forgot how painstaking pricing was... especially since I'm using all of my old raw materials, which means receipts are looonnggg gone. Yay research! Haha, it's dragging along. I have an Excel spreadsheet set up to help me out, but do any of you lovely souls use programs for your pricing and inventory tracking? Is it easier/harder/the same as spreadsheeting it out?

I'm trying to write my item descriptions as I go and make a tag list so the listing process will not be too difficult when it's time to open up shop. So far things are all coming back! I guess it's like riding a bike...

Here's a new pair of earrings coming together! You can get a glimpse of my earring-making process!

So far I've been focusing on my favorite mediums... Earthy, natural sources like wood and bone. I've also been digging the brass a lot more than I did in the past. Interesting to see how tastes change while also remaining the same :)

 My goal is to spend the entire day today doing nothing but creating new pieces. We'll see how that goes... hopefully the creative energy is flowing today!

Anyways... I hope all of you enjoy the rest of your weekend. If it's a beautiful a day as it is here, I hope you spend some time in the sunshine and nature!

peace and love,

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